Instead of TikTok, why not climb a rock ?
We are Bozeman’s first all girl troop. We have a lot of adventures together, not just climb rocks ;). We constantly camp, hike and do other outdoor activities. We also do lots and lots of service projects, helping our community.
We think it would be fun to show boys that, even though girls were only accepted into scouting three years ago, we can do anything they can do. I believe we showed them at Spring Camporee when we won a presidential award for teamwork. We recently got our first Eagle Scout. We also think that we should “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes” as a parental file tells me or basically get them ready for life.
Our meetings are on Mondays in Bozeman United Methodist Church from 6:30 pm till 8 pm.
Some terms are used often in scouting that you may not be aware of like High Adventure camp, which is like backcountry stuff. Or maybe Rank, basically you do different things to move up in the ranks. There are 7 ranks and they must be finished chronologically. Chronologically there's Scout rank the first rank, Tenderfoot the second rank , Second class, First class, Star Rank, Life scout and last but not least the highest rank a scout can get, Eagle scout. If you have any more quesions about Scouting terms feel free to ask anyone at a meeting.
You or your parent/guardian can contact us at
We hope to be seeing you soon!
Carissa the Webmaster